Wednesday, November 2, 2011


"Be still and know that I am God..." Psalm 46:10

I have a five year old son. I love him with my whole heart. Sometimes it even physically hurts. He is the most precious thing. He is kind-hearted, mannerly, smart, handsome, HILARIOUS, and very spirited. My husband, Scott, and I prayed for him for several years, (before we knew who he was), and finally brought him home from Guatemala in the summer of 2007. He is the light in our lives.

Having said that, HE NEVER SHUTS UP! Seriously...never. He talks from the moment his little head rises from the pillow to the time it falls back down at night. Don't get me wrong, I love talking with my child. But what parent doesn't long for a moment of peace from time to time. Most of the time I wonder why I even bother speaking to him. He rarely hears what I have to say. In fact, pretty much the only time he crawls up in my lap and intently listens is when there is something in it for him, or when he wants something from me. I know, I know, we all know what this sounds like. Every 5 year old child in the world. Right?


It hit me tonight while I was getting him dressed and ready for bed. While this behavior IS typical of most 5 year old children, it is also very typical of most Christians. Think about it. How often do we shut up and really listen to God? I don't know about you, but I can tell you that I tend to "crawl up in His lap" and really listen when I need something from Him. Just like my son. I am always telling my husband that I would give anything if JP would just stop talking for ONE MINUTE and just listen to me.

I wonder how often God says the same thing about His daughter.

Father, I know that I am not a very good listener. Remind me, daily, to "be still.." in Your Presence and listen for Your voice.

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