Sunday, May 13, 2012

you know you're a mom...

  1. If toys or diaper wipes can be found in your purse on any given day.
  2. When you hum or sing cartoon lyrics while you're at work.
  3. Because you have dark circles under BOTH eyes!  (Thank goodness for eye makeup!)
  4. If Friday night means frozen pizza and a G-rated movie.
  5. Because you drag yourself out of bed before the sun rises and do not climb back into bed until everyone you love has fallen asleep.
  6. If your house is not straightened up.  EVER!
  7. When listening to your child's laugh literally warms your heart.
  8. Because you can drive a stick shift, talk on the phone and pick up something that's dropped in the back floor board all at the same time.
  9. Because you sacrifice your own wants/needs to satisfy the wants/needs of someone else.
And last, but not least, you know you're a mom...

    10. Because if given the opportunity, you would do it all again!

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